Jusletter IT

Gibt es ein Recht auf AdBlocking? (Podcast)

Einführung und Übersicht rechtliche Fragen

  • Author: Michael Reinle
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: E-Commerce
  • Citation: Michael Reinle, Gibt es ein Recht auf AdBlocking? (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 22 September 2016
Are AdBlockers permissible? The presentation deals with this question in a differentiated manner and, in doing so, takes different legal bases into account. Whether the use of AdBlockers is permitted in general is not the only decisive factor, the given circumstances are another criterion. Adblock Plus’ whitelist function is being considered as particularly problematic by the contributor. In addition, he assumes that the question of network neutrality will achieve major significance in connection with the provision of AdBlocking services by telecommunication service providers. (ah)

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