Jusletter IT

Übernahme der neuen EU-Richtlinie über den Datenschutz im Bereich der Strafverfolgung

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category: News
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Jurius, Übernahme der neuen EU-Richtlinie über den Datenschutz im Bereich der Strafverfolgung, in: Jusletter IT 22 September 2016
On 6 July 2016, the Federal Council has approved of the acceptance of the new EU Data Protection Directive in law enforcement. Additionally, it instructed the Federal Department of Justice and Police (EJPD) to include the necessary legislative changes into the ongoing revision of the Data Protection Act. The endorsement of the new directive furthermore has to be authorised by the parliament and is subject to an optional national referendum. (ah)

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