Containers, LegalTech in Law-Making, Liquify Legal, Contract Lifecycle Management, E-Courts

Dear Readers

The newer "lightweight" virtualization solution of the container has - in contrast to the virtual machine - remained largely untreated in legal doctrine until now. Nina Locher analyzes copyright and contract law aspects.

Timothy Rabozzi, Lucas Kyriacou, and Tanja Mitrić have designed an application and a comparison algorithm to promote coherent and unambiguous statutory language and to support the administrative lawmaking process. They are evaluating how LegalTech can assist in the legislative process.

Weblaw and the Liquid Legal Institute (LLI) have entered into a partnership. LLI is an open and interdisciplinary platform to promote new thinking in the legal industry. Through LLI Extracts and Whitepapers, the Liquid Legal Institute informs the other LLI members as well as the interested public about the work results of its project teams. The projects aim to produce results that can be directly applied and implemented in practice. The publications appear as articles in Jusletter IT, as eBook and as paperbacks in both German and English. They are knowledge building blocks for the digitization of law and useful guides for transformation in the legal market.

The whitepaper Contract Lifecycle Management - How to select the right platform? (Klaus Gresbrand et al.) and the LLI Extract Liquify Legal - In 7 steps to transformation (Kai Jacob, Dierk Schindler, Roger Strathausen and Bernhard Waltl) mark the beginning of this cooperation.

This year, the International Legal Informatics Symposium (IRIS) was accompanied by a series of events (the so-called IRIS trimester) in the weeks and months before and after the actual conference. At the workshop on March 18, 2021, e-justice in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland was examined from the perspective of judges and judicial officers. In this issue we publish the contributions of Michael Kunz, Ralf Köbler, Kerstin Just and Lukas Huber as video podcasts.

Speaking of events: On August 26, the next Weblaw Forum LegalTech event will take place, this time on the topic of "The Regulation of Blockchain Technology".

At this point, we would also like to point out an interesting new publication at Editions Weblaw: In his Practice Manual for Internal Investigations and eDiscovery, David Rosenthal provides step-by-step guidance on the most important topics from A to Z, practical tips, Dos & Don'ts and dozens of questions and answers for all those who are confronted with the challenge of conducting, commissioning or accompanying an internal investigation or "eDiscovery" in a judicial or regulatory proceeding.

The next issue will be published on September 30. Contributions are still being accepted, and the editorial deadline is September 1.

I wish you a pleasant summer. 

Philip Hanke
Editor-in-Chief Jusletter IT
Director of Publishing Editions Weblaw

Urheber- und vertragsrechtliche Aspekte der Container-Virtualisierung
Nina Locher
Nina Locher
Virtualization has long since established itself as a driving force for innovation in today’s business environment. New solutions are constantly being developed to save resources and increase system availability. While traditional virtual machines have already been taken up by the legal doctrine, the newer «lightweight» virtualization solution of the container remains so far largely unaddressed. This paper discusses the use of container technology in terms of copyright and contract law. In this context contractual clauses can have effects on both levels.
LegalTech im Gesetzgebungsprozess
Timothy Rabozzi
Timothy Rabozzi
Lucas Kyriacou
Lucas Kyriacou
Tanja Mitrić
Tanja Mitrić
In the pursuit of a digitally supported legislative process, an IT application was designed and developed to assist in the coherent and unambiguous formulation of legal language. This paper addresses the requirements that arise in the context of a coherent and unambiguous legislative language and present a prototype of a program to support a coherent and unambiguous use of terms in the legislative process.
Liquid Legal Institute
Liquify Legal – In 7 Schritten zur Transformation
Kai Jacob
Kai Jacob
Dierk Schindler
Dierk Schindler
Roger Strathausen
Roger Strathausen
Bernhard Waltl
Bernhard Waltl
Die digitale Transformation kennt keine Grenzen. Business Modelle verändern sich genauso wir Märkte, Mitarbeiter und Unternehmensstrukturen – und das alles in immer schnelleren Zyklen! Was bedeutet das für Rechtsabteilungen? Sie müssen ihren Aggregatzustand ändern: von fest zu flüssig! Du stimmst uns zu und weißt nur noch nicht, wo und wie Du beginnen sollst? Dann ist LIQUIFY LEGAL für Dich! Wir beschreiben in 7 Schritten konzeptionell den Weg durch die digitale Transformation. Jeder Schritt wird in einem Buchkapitel beschrieben; eine Zusammenfassung am Anfang, Zeichnungen, Graphiken und Beispiele im Text sowie weiterführende Fragen am Ende erleichtern das Verständnis und zeigen Möglichkeiten zur praktischen Umsetzung auf. 
Contract Lifecycle Management – How to select the right platform?
Bernhard Waltl
Bernhard Waltl
Klaus Gresbrand
Klaus Gresbrand
Baltasar Cevc
Baltasar Cevc
Benedikt Eger
Benedikt Eger
Kai Jacob
Kai Jacob
Dennis Jansen
Dennis Jansen
Frank Stößel
Frank Stößel
Roger Strathausen
Roger Strathausen
The authors discuss the topic of Contract Lifecycle Management (or CLM) from all different angles and give a good overview for anyone who is dealing with it for the first time. Wherever a more in-depth discussion is necessary or advisable, the authors provide “food for thought”.
IRIS-Trimester 2021
Stand der digitalen Justiz aus aktueller Sicht in Österreich
Michael Kunz
Michael Kunz
Starting in the 1980s, the development of IT applications in the Austrian justice system has gradually led to the support of practically all areas of the justice system by IT applications. Currently, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice is implementing the project «Strategic Initiative Justice 3.0» with the goal of completely digital procedural processing. The digital justice workplace includes, among other things, a uniform justice-wide e-file system, electronic workflows, word processing with access to procedural data, and an electronic platform that integrates the above-mentioned and other essential applications in a clearly structured form. The presentation highlights the development, status quo, and the direction in which the further journey of justice IT can lead.
Vorschläge für einen Zivilprozess des 21. Jahrhunderts
Ralf Köbler
Ralf Köbler
The lecture presents the proposals of the working group «Modernization of Civil Procedure» of the President of the Federal Supreme Court, the Presidents of the Higher Regional Courts and the Bavarian Supreme Regional Court in Germany, which are set out in a discussion paper that can be found on the website of the Nuremberg Higher Regional Court and was adopted at the end of 2020. These include the introduction of a simplified online complaint procedure and the simplification of the use of video in judicial proceedings.
Das Arbeiten mit dem digitalen Akt in der Gerichtspraxis
Kerstin Just
Kerstin Just
In her statement, the speaker gives an insight into how working with the digital file presents itself in civil court practice, especially at the Vienna Commercial Court.
Digitaler Wandel in der Schweizer Justiz
Lukas Huber
Lukas Huber
The speaker gives a brief overview of the state of digitalization of the courts in Switzerland and explains the vision and main objectives of Justitia 4.0, the national digitalization program of the Swiss judiciary. In particular, he addresses the challenges of this project.