Jusletter IT 30. September 2021

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Next Generation DOI: 10.38023/5534498b-1529-4c7d-be7c-19d152763975

Die Vorhersage von Gerichtsurteilen des EGMR durch Machine Learning – eine Fallstudie

  • Region: Switzerland, EU
  • Field of law: Artificial Intelligence & Law, Legal Informatics, LegalTech
  • Citation: Janice Deborah Kowalski, Die Vorhersage von Gerichtsurteilen des EGMR durch Machine Learning – eine Fallstudie, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2021
  • Nowadays machine learning methods are being used in several areas. These methods are also gaining in importance in legal practice. This paper studies the prediction of court judgments of the European Court of Human Rights using machine learning. The method of natural language processing in combination with classification methods is examined for its predictive ability. Ultimately this article shows how machine learning could be used in the Swiss legal system to predict court decisions.

    • 1. Einleitung
    • 2. Anwendungshintergrund
    • 3. Experimente
      • 3.1. Erstes Experiment
      • 3.2. Zweites Experiment
      • 3.3. Drittes Experiment
    • 4. Diskussion
    • 5. Fazit
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