Jusletter IT

The challenges of a Global Governance on Artificial Intelligence

  • Authors: Patricia Eliane da Rosa Sardeto / Poliana Dequêch
  • Category of articles: AI & Law
  • Field of law: AI & Law
  • Collection: Conference proceedings IRIS 2024
  • DOI: 10.38023/51daa8eb-4d63-452b-9b93-36ac97a3f29a
  • Citation: Patricia Eliane da Rosa Sardeto / Poliana Dequêch, The challenges of a Global Governance on Artificial Intelligence, in: Jusletter IT 15 February 2024
Since Artificial Intelligence has the potential to impact human life in its entirety and globality, debates about global governance models of Artificial Intelligence are urgent. We already have some guidelines and general principles from(in) some countries and international entities, but so far, they cannot be considered a global governance proposal, in terms that UN proposed in 2023. In this way, our research aims to analyse how a global governance on AI can offer guaranties to be inclusive and collaborative, contributing so that everyone has a good experience with AI now and in the future. The problem addressed in this research is the interference in the process of education due to the use of new technologies, especially ChatGPT from the company Open AI. For this purpose, the systemic approach method proposed by Maturana and Varela is used, and the bibliographic method combined with comparative method is used as a procedural method. In way to achieve a global governance some initiatives are analysed and their challenges and contributions pointed out. The global governance on AI needs to come from different countries, entities, areas (tech/social/legal) as soon as possible because governance needs to learn to be fast, in order to follow the advancement of technology.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The development of Artificial Intelligence and its potencial
  • 3. The impact on education of new technologies in Brazil
  • 4. The need for a local and global governance
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 6. References

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