Jusletter IT 27. Mai 2021

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Rechtsvisualisierung & Legal Design DOI: 10.38023/e40dcea9-9724-4318-bdca-52ce1cb04e68

Towards Embedding Legal Visualizations in Work Practices by Using Augmented Reality

  • Kategorie: Beiträge
  • Rechtsgebiete: Rechtsvisualisierung
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2021
  • Zitiervorschlag: Fabian Muff / Hans-Georg Fill, Towards Embedding Legal Visualizations in Work Practices by Using Augmented Reality , in: Jusletter IT 27. Mai 2021
  • In this paper we outline how legal visualizations can be embedded into every day work practices by using the technology of augmented reality. In brief, augmented reality permits to merge virtual visual representations with the real-world and thereby augment visual perception by additional information and new forms of interaction. For a first conception, we regard the aspects of context, content and interaction to describe which aspects need to be considered for legal visualizations if they are transitioned to augmented reality environments. For illustrating these aspects, we describe a first sample application. The paper concludes with an outlook on the next steps for research on this topic.

    • 1. Motivation
    • 2. Foundations of Augmented Reality
    • 3. Legal Visualizations and Augmented Reality
    • 4. Fictitious Use Case for Applying the Framework
    • 5. Conclusion and Next Steps
    • 6. Literature
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