Jusletter IT

Verifiability in Electronic Voting

An Interdisciplinary View

  • Authors: Sonja Weddeling / Melanie Volkamer / Christian Paulsen / Katarzyna Młyńczak / Anastasia Meletiadou / Nils Meissner / Robert Krimmer / Jörg Helbach
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: E-Democracy
  • Citation: Sonja Weddeling / Melanie Volkamer / Christian Paulsen / Katarzyna Młyńczak / Anastasia Meletiadou / Nils Meissner / Robert Krimmer / Jörg Helbach, Verifiability in Electronic Voting, in: Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2008
Verifiability as a basic component of elections is related to many different aspects including trust in the correctness of the election results, transparency of the election processes and preparation for a possible contestation of the election. In the majority of cases the problem of designing appropriate verifiability methods is approached only from one point of view (i.e. technical). Therefore, this paper describes and points out the interdisciplinarity of this topic to improve upcoming scientific and practical work.

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