Jusletter IT

Zum Bedarf nach einem Dateneigentum

  • Authors: Florent Thouvenin / Rolf H. Weber
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Florent Thouvenin / Rolf H. Weber, Zum Bedarf nach einem Dateneigentum, in: Jusletter IT Flash 11. Dezember 2017
Both in politics and science, the establishment of «data ownership» is postulated increasingly. The fact that various norms already convey property-alike legal positions is hereby overlooked. Additionally, a convincing theoretical justification for «data ownership» is lacking, and its absence does not cause insurmountable practical problems. On the contrary, the introduction of «data ownership» would lead to numerous consequential problems within its design and implementation. (ah)

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