Jusletter IT

Die eIDAS-VO und ihre legistische Umsetzung in Österreich (Podcast)

  • Author: Peter Kustor
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: E-Government
  • Citation: Peter Kustor, Die eIDAS-VO und ihre legistische Umsetzung in Österreich (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT Flash 16. Juni 2016
The eIDAS Regulation with its overall seven implementing acts agreed upon so far is on the cusp of being applied throughout Europe. With this, one significant «key enabler» for the Digital Single Market will be available, making the cross-border electronic communication and transaction legally safer and, with this, contributing substantially to the acceptance of legally relevant e-communication. In time, the national legislative implementation and support measures complementing the eIDAS Regulation are being elaborated. Given that broad sections of the Regulation will be applied from 1 July 2016 (namely those regarding trust services) and the Signatures Directive will be repealed from this date, more extensive intrastate legal measures are imminent. The speech ought to offer a current overview of the eIDAS Regulation and its immediate effects, and to provide an outlook of the future intrastate legal measures at the end of February 2016. (ah)

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