20. August 2024
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“Everything new? The changing world of procurement” was the title of the 12th IT Procurement Conference of the Bern University of Applied Sciences and the University of Bern, which dealt, among other things, with the latest revision of public procurement law. This issue of Jusletter IT publishes the digital conference proceedings edited by Rika Koch, Lara Biehl and Thomas Fischer with eleven articles.
Johan Rochel examines the concept of the “sovereign cloud” from the perspective of legal philosophy, focusing on the legal and political implications of the narrative of “digital sovereignty”.
We know it from our private, but increasingly also from our business conversations: the use of emojis is on the rise. David Wicki-Birchler examines their effects under civil and criminal law.
Sarah Montani and Rolf H. Weber discuss legal issues in copyright and data protection law relating to the use of augmented reality in art.
We wish you an exciting read - and in the new layout!
Philip Hanke
Director of Publishing