Jusletter IT

The road towards a legal framework for cybersecurity applicable to the European smart grid for electricity

  • Autoren/Autorinnen: František Kasl / Anna Blechová
  • Beitragsart: Cybersecurity
  • Region: EU
  • Rechtsgebiete: Cybersecurity
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2024
  • DOI: 10.38023/3323a5f6-53bb-4e1d-862c-a0e3cbda3e3c
  • Zitiervorschlag: František Kasl / Anna Blechová, The road towards a legal framework for cybersecurity applicable to the European smart grid for electricity, in: Jusletter IT 28. März 2024
The European energy sector faces a rising vulnerability to cyberattacks, posing a significant threat to modern societies due to its interconnected nature with critical infrastructure. This fragility could result in substantial physical and economic harm and be exploited for geopolitical purposes, as it is possible to see with the war in Ukraine. While digitalization enhances efficiency, it also exposes vulnerabilities. Recognizing the urgency of protecting critical energy infrastructure, a new European legislative framework is being established. This contribution focuses on examining the new regulatory framework and identifying persisting challenges for development of smart grids for electricity.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The emerging complex EU cybersecurity framework for electricity subsector entities
  • 2.1. NIS 2 Directive
  • 2.2. Critical Entities Resilience Directive
  • 2.3. Regulation (EU) 2019/941 and the Network Code for Cybersecurity
  • 2.4. Proposal of Cyber Resilience Act
  • 3. Discussion of the challenges ahead
  • 4. Conclusion

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