Dear readers

Gabriel Jaccard and Adrien Tharin address the most important legal issues and best practices surrounding Blockchain and GDPR. The authors examine the legal challenges related to data protection when archiving personal data in a blockchain. In particular, the paper studies the question of personal data when it is considered anonymous, pseudonymous or encrypted on a blockchain.

In addition, Christine Möhrke-Sobolewski discusses data protection in the development of artificial intelligence. She explains how data protection serves as best practice for risk minimization and what prospects the European legislation offers for companies and affected parties.

In the second part, Ursula Sury, Lukas Huber, Adrien Alberini, Dieter Kesper, Lukas Abegg, Stefan Bodenski and Reinhard Riedl give an overview of the existing solutions and the current technological possibilities in the legal system in the context of this year’s 14th Conference on Computer Science and Law focussing on «Secure digital work in the legal system». In the course of the digitalisation of society and economy, modern technologies become increasingly prevalent in the legal system. Keywords such as LegalTech, Blockchain, Cloud Computing or the use of algorithms are omnipresent. Even unspecific and widespread tools such as e-mail or messenger are used in everyday judicial practice. The presentations are published in the form of citable podcasts.

  • Ursula Sury, Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft 
  • Lukas Huber, Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Gerichte
  • Adrien Alberini, Nutzung von Cloud Lösungen: Regulatives Umfeld aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft
  • Dieter Kesper, Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Strafuntersuchung
  • Lukas Abegg, Übersicht der digitalen Arbeitswerkzeuge im Rechtswesen
  • Stefan Bodenski, Erweitert «Augmented Reality» den Blick auf den Justizarbeitsplatz der Zukunft?
  • Reinhard Riedl, Sicheres digitales Arbeiten im Rechtswesen – Fazit und Schlusswort


We hope you enjoy reading, listening and watching this issue!

Erich Schweighofer and Franz Kummer

GDPR & Blockchain: the Swiss take
Gabriel Jaccard
Gabriel Jaccard
Adrien Tharin
Adrien Tharin
The following paper addresses the main legal questions & best practices surrounding blockchain and GDPR. The Authors examine the legal challenges of storing personal data on a blockchain in a manner that complies with data protection regulation. In particular, the paper studies the question of personal data when it is considered anonymous, pseudonymous or encrypted on a blockchain. Further, it stresses the need for a legally efficient identity layer on the blockchain and digital systems in general. Finally, the paper addresses the question of the recognizability of the data controller & data processor within a blockchain ecosystem.
KI: Privacy Impact Assessment als Mittel zur Risikominimierung?
Christine Möhrke-Sobolewski
Christine Möhrke-Sobolewski
Artificial intelligence (AI) requires data protection – a plea for the efficient use of data protection impact assessments in the development of artificial intelligence. The following article deals with different aspects of artificial intelligence: After an introduction to criticism, myths and public opinion on AI projects (I), some serious data-based risks for companies and other affected individuals are explained (II). Finally, it is discussed how data protection as best practice ultimately serves to minimise risks and what prospects the European legislation offers for companies and affected individuals (III). (kg)
(Un-)Verzichtbare Prinzipien der klassischen Logik im Strafprozessrecht
Georgios Giannoulis
Georgios Giannoulis
The opinion – prevalent in German practice and doctrine – that the proportionality of pre-trial detention is not a positive precondition for detention, but that its disproportionality is a reason for exclusion from detention, has been criticized for being incompatible with classical logic. This criticism can be attenuated with the help of intuitionistic logic, in which the double negation elimination rule does not apply. If, however, the intuitionistic reconstruction of criminal procedural argumentation were to be generalized, then logical principles and rules could not apply in other contexts, in which they are indispensable.
Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft
Ursula Sury
Ursula Sury
The ever-increasing regulation of Swiss data protection and the new EUDSGVO mean that data protection is subject to ever stricter controls and thus certain security measures are required. In order to identify the context in which electronic communication can be used and when it should be avoided, lawyers must be aware of the dangers involved. (kg)
Sichere elektronische Kommunikation aus Sicht der Gerichte
Lukas Huber
Lukas Huber
The presentation explains the various electronic communication channels of the courts of the Canton Zurich and points out possible practical and legal problems. It examines the reasons why electronic legal communication has not yet become established at the courts and discusses what prerequisites would need to be fulfilled for this. (kg)
Nutzung von Cloud Lösungen: Regulatives Umfeld aus Sicht der Anwaltschaft
Adrien Alberini
Adrien Alberini
De plus en plus d’études d’avocats en Suisse font aujourd’hui le choix de passer à une solution informatique cloud, pour des raisons d’amélioration de la gestion, de flexibilité ou encore de réduction des coûts. Les spécificités de la profession permettent-elles ce choix ? Adrien Alberini soutient que la question de la légalité du choix d’une solution cloud est dépassée et qu’il convient plutôt de se focaliser sur l’organisation et la mise en place d’une telle solution au sein de l’étude.
Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in der Strafuntersuchung
Dieter Kesper
Dieter Kesper
This presentation introduces three projects supporting criminal investigations by artificial intelligence. «Voice-Script», a program for the automated writing of voice recordings, and «Legal Text Analysis», which can be used to semantically analyze large quantities of documents, are two programs already available on the market. The project «Automated Image Evaluation» is intended to search for cloud-based images of child and adolescent pornography from secured data sets. (kg)
Übersicht der digitalen Arbeitswerkzeuge im Rechtswesen
Lukas Abegg
Lukas Abegg
The legal tech scene is changing rapidly and constantly. In the context of this dynamic environment, Lukas Abegg highlights certain trends that influence the way legal experts work. In addition, he presents as a tool that helps to literally keep such trends on screen. (kg)
Erweitert «Augmented Reality» den Blick auf den Justizarbeitsplatz der Zukunft?
Stefan Bodenski
Stefan Bodenski
Imagine you don't have to reduce your search to a screen size in inches and maximum resolution and are even accompanied by a virtual assistant. All fantasies of the future? The author believes that new media in combination with intelligent language assistants and new forms of communication will soon support us to such an extent that lawyers can concentrate on their core competencies again. In his presentation Stefan Bodenski will briefly introduce you to the technologies using simple examples and try to falsify his hypothesis in the form of a thought experiment with your help as an audience. (kg)
Fazit und Schlusswort
Reinhard Riedl
Reinhard Riedl
The presentation summarizes the results of the conference and draws a conclusion. The topics are: Why doesn't online communication move forward? How can cloud services be used securely and legally? What do AI and digital working tools contribute to legal system practice? Is it enough to continue as before? (kg)
Der Geschmack eines Lebensmittels kann keinen Urheberrechtsschutz genießen
CJUE – The taste of a food product cannot be classified as a «work». (Judgment C-310/17)
Haftung eines Internetanschlussinhabers für Urheberrechtsverletzungen durch Filesharing
CJEU – The owner of an internet connection used for copyright infringements through filesharing cannot be exonerated from liability simply by naming a family member who might have had access to that connection. Rightholders must have at their disposal an effective remedy or means of allowing the competent judicial authorities to order the disclosure of necessary information (Judgement C-149/17)
Zugang zu Identifikationsdaten bei nicht schweren Straftaten
CJEU – Criminal offences that are not particularly serious may justify access to personal data retained by providers of electronic communications services provided that that access does not constitute a serious infringement of privacy. (Judgement C-207/16)
App «Sympto» gilt als Medizinprodukt
FAC – An app designed to measure the fertility of the woman using it by analysing personal data is considered to be a medical device, and must be evaluated in order to make sure that it conforms to the necessary standards before being sold in Switzerland, the Federal Administrative Court (FAC) has ruled. (Judgement C-669/2016)
Gemeinsame Erklärung zur Abstimmung über die neuen Telekommunikationsvorschriften
Today the European Parliament voted in favour of establishing a European Electronic Communications Code and a body of European regulators for electronic communications, as proposed by the European Commission in September 2016, as part of the Digital Single Market strategy. Vice-President for the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip and Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel welcomed the outcome in a joint statement:
Digitalisierung der Rechtsbranche
The Federal Government has committed itself to emphatically promote digitalisation in the legal system. (kg)
Bundesrat heisst Eckwerte für die E-Government-Strategie Schweiz 2020–2023 gut
On 14 November 2018, the Federal Council approved the cornerstones for the Swiss eGovernment Strategy 2020–2023 drawn up by the interfederal organisation eGovernment Switzerland. By accepting the «Digital First» mission statement, it emphasizes the importance of the electronic channel, through which the administration will primarily offer its information and services in the future. (kg)
TechLawNews by Ronzani Schlauri Attorneys
Creative Commons: Tücken bei Drittrechten
Simon Schlauri
Simon Schlauri
IoT Cybersecurity: Voluntary and Self-Assessed?
Daniel Ronzani
Daniel Ronzani
VG Köln: Deutsche Telekom verletzt die Netzneutralität
Simon Schlauri
Simon Schlauri
Dynamic Pricing: Is the Person Next to Me Paying the Same Price?
Daniel Ronzani
Daniel Ronzani