Jusletter IT

Semantic Interpretations of Legal Visualizations using a Polysyntactic View

  • Autor/Autorin: Hans-Georg Fill
  • Region: Österreich
  • Rechtsgebiete: Rechtsinformatik
  • Sammlung: Festschrift Erich Schweighofer
  • Zitiervorschlag: Hans-Georg Fill, Semantic Interpretations of Legal Visualizations using a Polysyntactic View, in: Jusletter IT 22. Februar 2011
In this paper we describe an approach for enabling machines to interpret the semantics in legal visualizations using a polysyntactic view. This view is based on a number of different factor syntaxes that are mapped to each other in order to describe the meaning of a legal visualization. Based on these structures semantic interpretations can be derived. These can be reported back to the creator or user of the visualization in order to support tasks such as the analysis, search or comparison of legal visualizations and the underlying legal episodes.


  • 1. Motivation
  • 2. Foundations
  • 3. Characteristics and Realization of a Polysyntactic View
  • 4. Range of Semantic Interpretations
  • 5. Conclusion and Outlook
  • 6. References

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