Strukturen und Symbole des Rechts – Festschrift für Friedrich Lachmayer

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Friedrich Lachmayer, einer der bemerkenswertesten Rechtsgelehrten, die Österreich hervorgebracht hat, hat am 15. Juni 2023 sein achtes Lebensjahrzehnt vollendet. Wie kaum ein anderer hat er in seinem Leben Praxis und Theorie des Rechts miteinander vereint, indem er eine berufliche Laufbahn in der Ministerialbürokratie mit akademischer Lehrtätigkeit verbunden und in beiden Tätigkeitssphären seine reiche Erfahrung und seinen innovativen Geist wirkungsvoll eingesetzt hat. In der akademischen Sphäre ist es guter Brauch, bedeutende Gelehrte zu „runden“ Geburtstagen mit einer Festschrift zu ehren; und so ist der vorliegende Band Friedrich Lachmayer zu seinem 80. Geburtstag gewidmet.

Der Geehrte ist der österreichischen Rechtsgemeinschaft vor allem als „Vater“ des Rechtsinformationssystems des Bundes (RIS) der Republik Österreich bekannt, darüber hinaus aber auch als ein äußerst vielseitiger Gelehrter, dessen Aktivitäten nicht nur die Bereiche des Verfassungsrechts, der Legistik und der Rechtstheorie/-philosophie, sondern insbesondere auch die Visualisierung und die Semiotik im rechtswissenschaftlichen, aber auch im weiteren Kontext umfassen.

Friedrich Lachmayer beschritt seinen eigenständigen intellektuellen Weg bereits während des Studiums, als er sich mit der Frage zu beschäftigen begann, wie man juristische Texte besser verstehen und sich leichter merken könnte, was ihn schließlich zu strukturellen und formalen Notationen im Vorfeld der juristischen Logik (in welcher ihn insbesondere Ota Weinberger und Ilmar Tammelo beeinflusst haben) und weiter zur Visualisierung führte. Dabei entdeckte er für sich eine Metaebene: die Semiotik – die Lehre von den Zeichen –, eine faszinierende Disziplin, die ihn seitdem nicht mehr los ließ.

Nach seiner juristischen Ausbildung war Lachmayer in der Praxis tätig, zunächst in der Finanzprokuratur, später im Verfassungsdienst, wo er 32 Jahre lang arbeitete. In dieser Funktion war er auch mit der Begutachtung von Gesetzentwürfen befasst, was eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Legistik und Gesetzgebungstechnik mit sich brachte. Dieser Aspekt seines Praxisbezugs fand ab 2003 seinen Widerhall in den von Friedrich Lachmayer initiierten jährlichen Legistik-Gesprächen, die zunächst in Klagenfurt stattgefunden haben und nunmehr in Linz beheimatet sind; diese Veranstaltungsreihe ermöglicht einen wertvollen Austausch innerhalb der professionellen Gemeinschaft der Legistinnen und Legisten.

Für sein rechtstheoretisches bzw. rechtsphilosophisches Denken war auch die Begegnung mit der Reinen Rechtslehre Hans Kelsens prägend, wenngleich er sich später auch von dieser Lehre emanzipierte, indem er eine thematische Universalisierung in einer das Formale besonders betonenden Normentheorie anstrebte. Diese Bemühungen mündeten schließlich in seine Habilitation an der Universität Innsbruck, wo er sich auf dem Gebiet der Rechtstheorie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gesetzgebungslehre die Lehrbefugnis erwarb.

Nicht zuletzt aber entdeckte Friedrich Lachmayer die neue Welt der Informatik für sich und engagierte sich in verschiedenen EDV-Projekten, in welchen er seine theoretisch fundierte Perspektive auf die Struktur der Rechtsnormen praktisch nutzbar machen konnte. Bereits zu Beginn seiner Tätigkeit im Verfassungsdienst war er an dem damaligen EDV-Versuchsprojekt zum Verfassungsrecht beteiligt, das in Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Bundeskanzleramt und IBM durchgeführt wurde. Aus den dabei gewonnenen grundsätzlichen Erkenntnissen entwickelte sich später das Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (RIS), das bis heute eine wesentliche Grundlage der Rechtsinformation in Österreich darstellt. Wiederum erweiterte Friedrich Lachmayer seine Perspektive auf die Metaebene, nämlich die der Rechtsinformatik. Gemeinsam mit Erich Schweighofer, Dietmar Jahnel, Peter Mader, Maria Stoiber und vielen anderen organisierte er in diesem Kontext ab 1998 das jährlich stattfindende Internationale Rechtsinformatik Symposion in Salzburg (IRIS), eine mittlerweile überaus renommierte Veranstaltung, die Expertinnen und Experten aus aller Welt zusammenbringt, um aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Bereich der Rechtsinformatik zu diskutieren.

Seine breit gefächerten Interessen und seine Leidenschaft für verschiedene Disziplinen haben Friedrich Lachmayer zu einem Transdisziplinarität verkörpernden Gelehrten gemacht, der in der juristischen Fachwelt und darüber hinaus große Anerkennung und Respekt genießt. Die vorliegende Publikation ist daher eine Hommage an eine außergewöhnliche Karriere und ein bemerkenswertes Engagement. Die darin enthaltenen Beiträge namhafter Expertinnen und Experten versuchen, das breite Spektrum seines Wirkens widerzuspiegeln und einen tieferen Einblick in einige der Themen zu geben, die ihm am Herzen liegen. Von der Rechtsinformatik über die Legistik und die Rechtstheorie bzw. Rechtsphilosophie bis hin zur Visualisierung und Semiotik berühren die thematischen Blöcke dieses Buches daher die vielfältigen Facetten seines Schaffens.

Es ist uns eine große Ehre und Freude, dieses Buch vorlegen zu dürfen, das nicht nur das beeindruckende Werk Friedrich Lachmayers würdigt, sondern auch einen Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Grenzen der Rechtserkenntnis leisten möchte.

Die Herausgeber
Günther Schefbeck, Hanna Maria Kreuzbauer, Meinrad Handstanger

In eigener Sache:

Friedrich Lachmayer in persönlichen Zeugnissen
Günther Schefbeck
Günther Schefbeck
Publikationsverzeichnis Friedrich Lachmayer
Der singularistische Rechtsdämon
Peter Ebenhoch
Peter Ebenhoch
The article examines whether legal singularity according to Alarie is possible. His speculative argumentation patterns evade scientific evaluability by reference to the future. Legal singularity is not possible. It aims at a transhuman dystopia that sacrifice democratic transparency and basic legal values to a digital autocracy. Only humans can establish legal objectivity through shared subjectivity. Outputs from AI systems should be treated with caution because of reality blindness, lack of traceability, and erratic nature. They can be described as «abjective» and require prudent regulation.
Neue Kommunikationsformen für den Dialog Wissenschaft und Praxis
Stefan Eder
Stefan Eder
This paper deals with various aspects of the influence of modern forms of communication on scientific discourse, information exchange and potential cooperation between science and practice. A central aspect is the change of forms and forums for scientific publications due to the digital transformation. Furthermore, it is discussed how these developments influence the character and extent of the perception of scientific research and its practical relevance. The advanced integration of social media into professional life shows a positive influence on access to information and participation in scientific discourse by a broad public. This leads to barrier-free and diverse access to scientific information and data, which in turn stimulates discourse and exchange with practitioners.
Die Ausweitung des Systems „E-Recht“ auf alle Parlamentarischen Materialien in der Bundesgesetzgebung
Wolfgang Engeljehringer
Wolfgang Engeljehringer
After the establishment of the «E-Law» system for the end-to-end electronic support of the federal legislation process, various additional categories of parliamentary business have been integrated into this system. These include documents that are not related to the legislative procedure. In the interest of a comprehensive back documentation of the parliamentary process, historical parliamentary documents have also been retro-digitised through scanning and made available to the public online.
Von der Bedeutung des Netzwerk(en)s in der frühen Rechtsinformatik in Österreich
Nikolaus Forgó
Nikolaus Forgó
Markus Holzweber
Markus Holzweber
With the increasing use of computer technology in companies, universities and administration from the 1950s onwards, questions of the connection between the computer and law arose early on. Interdisciplinary projects such as the experimental «EDV-Projekt Verfassungsrecht», joined forces and provided important preliminary work for later successful projects, such as the «Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes (RIS)». The openness to new ideas and the joy of experimentation at that time is closely connected with the professional activities of Friedrich Lachmayer, who already had fruitful relationships with important proponents of the young legal informatics community. One such relationship also led to a cooperation with Leo Reisinger. Together they undertook efforts to address and investigate legal informatics issues which was one step towards establishing a stand-alone and unique legal discipline.
Vom Rechtsinformationssystem zum Rechtstransformationssystem
Felix Gantner
Felix Gantner
From the very beginning, the development of legal information systems has been one of the central tasks and challenges for legal informatics. In this context, there was also an intensive discussion about what «objectivity» means in relation to legal information systems. Current developments in the field of AI are leading to a new type of legal applications, which can be described as legal transformation systems and whose «objectivity» is not the same as that of legal information systems. A discussion of the implications of this developement on the methods of legal informatics is therefore necessary.
Rechtsinformation, Rechtsdatenbanken & ChatGPT: Eine erste Einordnung
Anton Geist
Anton Geist
Computer-assisted legal research systems have established themselves as indispensable tools for legal science and practice. ChatGPT impressively shows lines of development for CALR systems and also has its own areas of application in the field of legal information. The article provides an initial classification for a sensible but critical approach to the technology.
Justiz 3.0
Christian Gesek
Christian Gesek
Martin Schneider
Martin Schneider
Martin Hackl
Martin Hackl
Thomas Gottwald
Thomas Gottwald
The use of technology has been changing the processes in the Austrian justice system for over 40 years now. If we look at the entire legal sector, there are also clear parallels in the associated evolutionary steps of Legal Tech. With the strategic initiative Justice 3.0, the Federal Ministry of Justice has been working since 2013 on fully digital workflows and the digital workplaces required for this, with the close involvement of practitioners. The article offers an insight into the status quo of digitisation in the justice system, an outlook on future developments and the corresponding strategic considerations.
IT-Projektmanagement by Datenschutz-Folgenabschätzung
Walter Hötzendorfer
Walter Hötzendorfer
According to Art. 35 GDPR, regarding particularly risky forms of processing of personal data a data protection impact assessment (DPIA) must be carried out in advance. This paper proposes that instead of considering the DPIA – if at all – as a downstream sub-project of a development project, the process of conducting a DPIA should be placed organizationally at the center of the development of the entire data processing system and the entire development project should be managed from within the DPIA process, in particular in order to the flow of information and the efficiency in the overall project.
Dietmar Jahnel
Dietmar Jahnel
This article deals with the seemingly «banal» search for norm citations in legal databases. It shows in detail how the problem of inconsistent abbreviations of federal laws, state laws and EU legal acts as well as the search for paragraphs and numbers of laws is solved during data entry for RIDAonline.
Legal Tech in Österreich 2023
Sophie Martinetz
Sophie Martinetz
The Legal Tech Barometer 2023 examines the state of legal tech in Austria, revealing that the COVID-19 pandemic has driven the adoption of digital solutions in the legal industry. A survey involving 205 participants from legal departments, lawyers, and notaries found that 82% of respondents believe law firms utilizing advanced digital tools can enhance client service. However, challenges such as developing innovative working methods, retaining legal professionals, and attracting top talent still persist. Currently, most respondents rely on legal databases, centralized file systems, and tools for data security, with only a small percentage (3.9%) using AI-integrated tools. Nevertheless, future plans include implementing AI, contract management, case analysis, knowledge management, and document creation tools. Contract creation and standardizing repetitive tasks were identified as areas for improvement. Integration between different technology platforms and the need for unified standards at the EU level pose challenges. Moreover, the importance of training and education on the use of digital tools during implementation is often overlooked. Despite these obstacles, law firms embracing legal tech can offer improved services and meet rising client expectations. In summary, the Legal Tech Barometer 2023 highlights the increasing adoption of legal tech in Austria, driven by the pandemic and the potential for better client service. Streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency, and fostering collaboration between law firms and clients are key advantages. Integration issues and the need for training and education are challenges to overcome, but the outlook for legal tech in Austria is promising.
Die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens als Herausforderung für die Demokratie
Reinhard Riedl
Reinhard Riedl
The democratic institutions must adequately steer the digital transformation of the public sector adequately and demonstrate their power to shape it, so as not to lose their legitimacy. At the same time, they have to cope with the fact that conspiracy theories are being distributed conspiracy theories and other idiosyncratic explanations of the world are sussceffully disseminated. In this article, these two challenges are exemplified by two problem areas in health care.
„E-Recht“ – Friedrich Lachmayer als Pionier der elektronischen Rechtsetzung
Günther Schefbeck
Günther Schefbeck
If the Republic of Austria, by international comparison, has taken on a pioneering role in electronic law-making with the «E-Law» system, a workflow system for end-to-end electronic support for the process of federal legislation, then this is in particular due to Friedrich Lachmayer, his knowledge of legal informatics, his project experience, his conceptual mind, his eye for the right moment and his feeling for human sensitivities. Since January 1, 2004, the Federal Law Gazette has been authentically published electronically. With «E-Law», Friedrich Lachmayer left behind a system that is still used successfully and unchanged in its basic approach today.
Der Personenbezug von IP-Adressen
Michael Sonntag
Michael Sonntag
Whether IP addresses are personal data, resp. which person one was assigned to in a specific case at a certain point in time, are common questions. This paper describes the technical aspects (IPv6 and transition techniques, carrier-grade NAT etc.), which got more complex over the last years, and discusses fresh decisions. We conclude that it now depends much more on the circumstances of the individual case, but that IP addresses are generally personal data, and often an identification of the source device (but rarely of the person using it) is possible.
Symbole und Muster: Erinnerungen an Gespräche mit Friedrich Lachmayer
Hannes Stefko
Hannes Stefko
Professor Friedrich Lachmayer opened my eyes for a new way of thinking about symbols. I was working with symbols since 30 years and I thought I got it. Nevertheless, in a very gentle way Friedl showed me new perspectives what I haven’t seen so far. Especially in the fields design and development Friedl’s thoughts impacted my professional development over years. Additional, they helped me to solve issues in the artificial intelligence (AI) world to get better AI models. All our meetings took place in a pleasant atmosphere. With simple words he could explain complex connections to symbols and their impacts on various disciplines. It was a pleasure to learn from him always. Dear Friedl, thank you so much for your excellent advises. I wish you a happy birthday.
Entwicklung der Findok 2000–2023
Angela Stöger-Frank
Angela Stöger-Frank
Financial Documentation (FINDOK) is the legal and technical information system of the Austrian Ministry of Finance. Initially launched in 2000 as a project operation for the intranet. Since May 2006 FINDOK has been available to the public as a free platform on the Internet: or directly The FINDOK contains interpretative aids (decrees, guidelines) on tax law and customs law of the Federal Ministry of Finance as well as the decisions of the Federal Finance Court (Legal sentences and text), before that from 2003–2013 the decisions of the Independent Financial Senate. The contents of the Findok are continuously updated. From the very beginning, the search engines used have been continuously enhanced and user-friendly functions were implemented. Info icons, hyperlinks, special navigation between temporal versions, semantic text analysis, filtering options, sorting the results by relevance etc. ensure an efficient search and a quick review of the documents.
Das RIS im Wandel der Zeit
Helmut Weichsel
Helmut Weichsel
The federal legal information system (RIS) was developed at the beginning of the 1980s at the Federal Chancellery, although it was initially accessible only to some authorities and courts. Since June 1997, RIS has been available to the general public on the Internet ( and has established itself as a highly used application. This article describes in outline the development of RIS since the 1980s and gives an outlook on planned extensions.
Die Anfänge der Rechtsinformatik in Österreich
Arthur Winter
Arthur Winter
The beginnings of legal informatics in Austria go back to the 1970s, when the possibilities of using information technology for legal documentation were explored with the «Constitutional Law Experimental Project» in the Federal Chancellery. Significant development steps were the introduction of the legal information system RIS and the system «E-Recht» for the electronic support of the legislative process of the federal government. Friedrich Lachmayer played a key role in all of these projects.
Die Klagenfurter Legistik-Gespräche und die Elektronisierung der Landesgesetzblätter
Simon Korenjak
Simon Korenjak
From 2003 to 2013 the Klagenfurter Legistik-Gespräche provided a discussion forum for the legal expert staff of the Austrian Federal State and ist provinces. One of the main topics were the electronification of the state laws and the legally binding promulgation in the RIS.
Die Entwicklung der eLEGISTIK in der Steiermark
Renate Krenn-Mayer
Renate Krenn-Mayer
The introduction of electronic legal drafting in the province of Styria took place step by step: After the consolidated provincial law had already been made available in 1997 and the non-authentic provincial law gazette in 2004 in the federal legal information system (RIS), the systems PALLAST («paperless provincial parliament») followed in 2005, and ERS («electronic government session») in 2010. With the ELAK («electronic file»), a continuous electronic production process for provincial laws was guaranteed from 2012. Since 2014, the provincial law gazette has been authentically published in the RIS, and dedicated IT tools have been used at the document level for new draft laws. The framework for electronic legislation is provided by the Styrian Legislative Manual.
Automatisierungstaugliche Gesetze als Grundlage für digitale Verwaltung
Peter Parycek
Peter Parycek
Anna-Sophie Novak
Anna-Sophie Novak
Verena Schmid
Verena Schmid
In recent years, digital administration has become increasingly important and is seen as a key factor in modernizing and increasing the efficiency of public administration. The central aspect of digital administration is to take into account the suitability of laws for automation as early as the legislative stage. This article examines the question of how laws can be prepared for automation in the legislative phase of the legislative process and what conditions must be met for successful implementation.
Friedrich Lachmayer und die elektronische Dimension der Legistik
Edmund G. Primosch
Edmund G. Primosch
IT has an instrumental character in the field of legislation. Lachmayer´s analytical perspective on legal acts is able to identify potential electronic dimensions of the legislative process. «Legislative Drafting Guidelines», if electronically available, ensure a high level in structuring the drafting process and in applying formal and content standards.
Zur Geburt des Gesetzes aus dem Geist der Quadrille …
Josef Souhrada
Josef Souhrada
Legislation and contributing to it is not a matter of a nine-to-five job. Anyone who has ever worked in legislation knows about the demands that know no time limits. They include areas remote from the law as far as arts and magic. Not only because they are embedded in parliamentary processes, but also because they involve social contacts and thus private life, trust and understanding. Against the background of several decades of professional activity, an attempt is made here to deal with the connections between the audience quadrille at a ball, legal aspects and the effects of the jubilarian.
Meinrad Handstanger
Meinrad Handstanger
Normative texts require interpretation to establish their content. Friedrich Lachmayer – in opposition to Hans Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law – emphasises the independent normative significance of these interpretative acts, which take place as a «Sinnverleihung/impositio» (a bestowal of meaning) in a «Deutungskampf» (interpretive struggle) between interpretations and counter-interpretations. Normative texts and their interpretations form a dual structure in which they stabilize each other. Without methodically sound interpretation, normative texts could not be applied in practice. Thus, criticism of the (judicial) interpretation of legal provisions («juristocracy») – even if clothed in pro-democracy language – is ultimately directed against the legal provisions themselves. Such criticism is directed against the rule of law, whose internal logic requires the interplay of legal provisions and their interpretation.
LBA and HUMAX: A method for moral decision-making
Hanna Maria Kreuzbauer
Hanna Maria Kreuzbauer
The purpose of this paper is to show that moral decision-making can be rationally optimized. The method the author will briefly present consists of three parts: First, moral decision-making. Second, the methodology of rational(!) justification in decision-making in general, and third, its applications to the field of morality. The second part is based on the idea of LBA (“Least Bad Alternative”), and the third on the idea of HUMAX, i.e., the “Human Maximum”.
Freiheit und Zurechenbarkeit
Alexander Loichinger
Alexander Loichinger
The article deals with the current problem of freedom from two core aspects: On the one hand, it is difficult for a human to understand thinking, feeling and wanting, i.e. cultural and social actions, without freedom; on the other hand, the term «conditional freedom» seems appropriate and realistic when including more recent human sciences.
Die Gesetzesauslegung als (re)produktiver Akt
Marijan Pavčnik
Marijan Pavčnik
In the context of the normative concretisation of the statute, the term »statute« is not synonymous with law that can be repeated in light of the concrete case. In this context, the interpreter is the one who (1) «reconstructs» the possibilities contained in the statute; (2) articulates more precisely the contents of these possibilities; and (3) chooses the combination of possibilities that corresponds most closely the legally-relevant features of the life case (which also must be interpreted).
Die Rechtsbilddatenbank der Abteilung Rechtsvisualisierung an der Universität Zürich
Colette R. Brunschwig
Colette R. Brunschwig
The relentless growth of digital images has required creating databases where these images can be stored, searched, and retrieved. Although the visual turn has also affected the legal context, the existing legal databases do not enable integrating modern legal images (e.g., photographs and videos). Except for legal image databases in law enforcement, no legal image databases seem to exist for modern legal images, making it increasingly difficult to handle the burgeoning number of digital legal images. Yet the lack of opportunities for capturing legal images in legal databases runs counter to the rising significance of such images. This paper briefly presents the legal image database created by the University of Zurich’s Legal Visualization Unit and shows how it might serve as a model for legal databases and modern legal image databases.
Visualization in the Era of Artificial Intelligence
Hans-Georg Fill
Hans-Georg Fill
Fabian Muff
Fabian Muff
Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing by generating human-like text and images from textual input and can become a powerful tool for many industries and applications, generating complex visualizations with minimal training. However, their potential to generate complex 2D/3D visualizations has been largely unexplored. We report initial experiments showing that LLMs can generate 2D/3D visualizations that may be used for legal visualization. Further research is needed for complex 2D visualizations and 3D scenes.
Worte als Zeichen als Visualisierungen als (rechtliches) Programm
Georg Gesk
Georg Gesk
This contribution reflects upon some key notions of law as expressed in Chinese characters. Starting out with showing shamanistic precursors of modern legal concepts, it leads to early realizations of the importance of written norms, and emphasizes the importance of traditional, culturally predetermined legal notions for modern Chinese society. When analyzing modern forms of Chinese legal discourse, it becomes apparent that Chinese characters are not just a form of linguistic museum but are continuously shaping Chinese modern legal discourse up to the very day. Due to intertwined homophonic and homonymic elements, Chinese legal notions create an awareness of legal problems that remain most of the time invisible when thinking in European languages. This article thus aims at creating some knowledge of related questions, at the same time it invites the audience to pay more attention to these. By realizing how different iconographic and conceptual preconditions lead to new topics within legal discussion and legal theory, we realize deficiencies of our own discourse, hopefully leading to more interest in meeting others in an intercultural discursive space.
Zweisprachige Ortstafeln und andere Visualisierungen mehrfacher raumbezogener Identitäten
Peter Jordan
Peter Jordan
With regard to the protection and care of ethnic and linguistic minorities, aren’t issues such as teaching the minority language or the possibility of using this language in court and in offices more important than bilingual town signs? Why do they so often spark conflicts over ethnic and linguistic minorities? The article pursues these questions by first going into general terms about the importance of geographic names for the connection between people and space, about their special significance for linguistic minorities and finally about the obviously outstanding effect of the visualization of minority names on town signs and the reasons for this in comparison with other visualizations of multiple spatial identities in public space, on maps and in texts.
Gesetzgebung als Puzzle – was, wenn die Teilchen nicht passen?
Sabine Kilgus
Sabine Kilgus
Cordula Niklaus
Cordula Niklaus
Caroline Walser Kessel
Caroline Walser Kessel
Questions of (good) legislation, its legitimation and the visualisation of law are issues that have been of utmost interest of the jubilee. This article aims to analysing text and context of three different samples of recent Swiss legislation, anti-money laundering law, data protection and family law (issues of care in divorce situation) and uses visualisation in order to underpin the analysis. The paper reveals the challenges faced by the legislator when drafting new laws requiring to comply not only with the complexity of the substance-matter, but also with language and translation issues and the implementation of international (soft) law. The article also emphasises that at least in the analysed fields legislation works like a puzzle and faces the risk of lack of coherence.
Plädoyer für den Einsatz von Visualisierung in der anwaltlichen Beratungspraxis
Hermann Schwarz
Hermann Schwarz
Through modern computer technology imaging processes are finding their way into numerous disciplines in an impressive manner, above all medicine and technology. Not only does this mean a completely new approach for laypeople and experts, combined with significantly improved comprehensibility, but also opens up unprecedented possibilities; in medicine, for example, the use of surgical displays, completely new surgical techniques and the like. It makes sense to make the new technical possibilities usable for legal work as well. Based on fundamental considerations on the tasks of the lawyer, this article shows to what extent the currently still sparse use of visualization in legal consulting practice would represent an «added value» for the client.
Magie – Hexenkünste – Zauberei
Gloria Withalm
Gloria Withalm
Literature has a long tradition of telling stories about magic and witchcraft. No wonder we find many witches and other supernatural creatures also in more recent texts throughout the media, especially since the mid-1990s. Proceeding from a concept of the Italian semiotician Ferruccio Rossi-Landi, I will examine magical (sign) processes as they are presented in audiovisual and literary texts over the past 30 years, though only from a semiotic point-of-view. In this context I will deal with spells, tools of the trade like the wand, but also modifications/alterations of the body both of the witch and her targets. It is not the aim of this article to depict Friedrich Lachmayer as a mage or sorcerer. But from various discussions I’ve got the impression that he is interested in these topics. Being far away from jurisprudence, I hardly can say anything about his work on legal questions. However, I do know many of his visualizations of concepts and text, and with regard to their vividness and immediacy the certainly share particular magical qualities.
Bildende Künste
Künstliche Intelligenz in der Rechtsinformatik: weiblich, multikoloriert, buddhistisch
Beate Maier-Glück
Beate Maier-Glück